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Eric Makes Everything Posts

pygtk-jsonview widget Modules

Recently, I have been giving some more thought to the TCG deck-editing program I started on last year. While I didn’t finish it at the time, I made some notes laying the groundwork for a more extensible framework that could be used across other projects. I don’t much like making…

Cabinet door repair

I wish I had taken some more pictures of this process, since it turned out pretty well in the end. Someone who lived in our house before us had an anger-management problem. Doors all over the house have signs of being slammed open or closed, like the dents from knobs…

Wiithon compatibility update

In the middle of softmodding my new/old Wii, I happily remembered that I don’t use Windows anymore.  Wii game backup is very effective when used with a filesystem called Wii Backup File System (WBFS) that was invented by a very smart and productive Wii hacker codenamed Waninkoko.  FAT32 filesystems have…

Neopixel RGB visualizer

This was a long project, starting last December and culminating in a finished device this December.  A small device is responsible for interpreting an audio signal and producing a visual display on a strand of Neopixel LEDs.  Neopixel LEDs are available in a Christmas light package from several vendors, so…